Thomas More John Guy pdf completo

Thomas More

Subjects, John Guy

Thomas More par John Guy ont été vendues pour EUR 10,33 chaque exemplaire. Le livre publié par SPCK. Il contient 144 pages et classé dans le genre genre. Ce livre a une bonne réponse du lecteur, il a la cote 4 des lecteurs 583. Inscrivez-vous maintenant pour accéder à des milliers de livres disponibles pour téléchargement gratuit. L'inscription était gratuite.

Moyenne des commentaires client : 4 étoiles sur 5 583 commentaires client
La taille du fichier : 26.64 MB

Thomas More John Guy pdf completo - Part One: The History (What do we know?)
This brief historical introduction to Thomas More explores the social, political and religious factors that formed the original context of his life and writings, and considers how those factors affected the way he was initially received.

What was his impact on the world at the time and what were the key ideas and values connected with him?

Part Two: The Legacy (Why does it matter?)
This second part explores the intellectual and cultural ‘afterlife’ of Thomas More, and considers the ways in which his impact has lasted and been developed in different contexts by later generations.

Why is he still considered important today? In what ways is his legacy contested or resisted? And what aspects of his legacy are likely to continue to influence the world in the future?

Livres Couvertures de Thomas More

de John Guy

4 étoiles sur 5 (583 Commentaires client)

Nom de fichier : thomas-more.pdf

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